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nlas vehicle

European Union Donates Motor Vehicles to National Legal Aid Service at KICC Grounds

In a significant gesture of support, the European Union Ambassador, Henriette Geiger, joined Honorable Justin Muturi,E.G.H, Attorney General of Kenya, along with representatives from key justice organizations including the National Council on Administration of Justice, UNODC, UNDP, Amkeni Wa Kenya, and PLEAD 2 grantees, for the flag-off ceremony and handover of donated motor vehicles to the National Legal Aid Service. This event took place at the KICC grounds. Also in attendance was the Solicitor General, Hon. Shadrack Mose and, the NLAS CEO, Chairman and board members, as well as Heads of Department from OAG&DOJ.

Expressing gratitude, AG Muturi extended appreciation to the EU for its vital contributions to the Republic of Kenya, emphasizing their pivotal role in advancing the rule of law, facilitating access to justice, and upholding human rights. He underscored the collaborative efforts between the EU and NLAS.

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