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  • NLAS staff during a seminar on Alternative Justice System

  • Community Legal awareness in Laisamis, Marsabit County

  • Mobile Legal Aid Clinic in Mkunumbi, Lamu County

  • NLAS Board Members during an induction seminar in Naivasha

  • Chief Justice Martha Koome being taken though services offered at the National Legal Aid Service by NLAS Board Chairman William Musyoki Kimanthi and Ag. CEO Fresiah Githumbi during the 3rd National Conference on Alternative Justice Systems (AJS) at Kabarak University, Nakuru County.

Welcome to National Legal Aid Service

The National Legal Aid Service (NLAS) is the State Agency established by the Legal Aid Act 2016 with the mandate to coordinate provision of Legal aid in Kenya. This gives effect to article 19(2), 48 and 50(2) (g) and (h) of the Constitution of Kenya on access to justice. NLAS was established in order to regulate the legal aid services, which were mostly offered by civil society organizations, to ensure a coordinated and collaborative approach to legal aid and for purposes of standardization and quality assurance.

Huduma Zetu

Our Services

Legal Aid Service

Legal Aid Service

Provision of free legal services to persons who cannot afford to pay for legal services of a lawyer to conduct a case.

Community Legal Service

Community Legal Service

Taking Legal Aid to the public at the community level.

Alternative Dispute Resolution

Alternative Dispute Resolution

Mechanism of resolving disputes in any other form other than through the court process.

Creation of Legal Awareness

Creation of Legal Awareness

Awareness through public legal education or legal literacy.