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Who we Are

The National Legal Aid Service (NLAS) is the State Agency established by the Legal Aid Act 2016 with the mandate to coordinate provision of Legal aid in Kenya. This gives effect to article 19(2), 48 and 50(2) (g) and (h) of the Constitution of Kenya on access to justice. NLAS was established in order to regulate the legal aid services, which were mostly offered by civil society organizations, to ensure a coordinated and collaborative approach to legal aid and for purposes of standardization and quality assurance.

The mandate of NLAS is outlined in its functions as detailed in Section 7 of the Legal Aid Act 2016.

These include:

1) Establish and administer a national legal aid scheme that is affordable, accessible, sustainable, credible and accountable;

2) Advise the Cabinet Secretary on matters relating to legal aid in Kenya;

3) Encourage and facilitate the settlement of disputes through alternative dispute resolution;

4) Undertake and promote research in the field of legal aid, and access to justice with special reference to the need for legal aid services among indigent persons and marginalized groups;

5) Take necessary steps to promote public interest litigation with regard to consumer protection, environmental protection and any other matter of special concern to the marginalized groups;

6) Provide grants in aid for specific schemes to various voluntary social service institutions, for the implementation of legal aid services under this Act;

7) Develop and issue guidelines and standards for the establishment of legal aid schemes by Non-Governmental Agencies;

8) In consultation with the Council of Legal Education, develop programs for legal aid education and the training and certification of paralegals;

9) Promote, and supervise the establishment and working of legal aid services in universities, colleges and other institutions;

10) Take appropriate measures to promote legal literacy and legal awareness among the public and in particular, educate vulnerable sections of the society on their rights and duties under the Constitution and other laws;

11) Facilitate the representation of persons granted legal aid under this Act;

12) Assign legal aid providers to persons granted legal aid under this Act;

13) Establish, coordinate, monitor and evaluate justice advisory centres;

14) Coordinate, monitor and evaluate paralegals and other legal service providers and give general directions for the proper implementation of legal aid programs.

15) Administer and manage the Legal Aid Fund; and

16) Perform such other functions as may be assigned to it under this Act or any other written law.


The objective of NLAS as provided in Section 3 of the Legal Aid Act, 2016 is to establish a legal and institutional framework to promote access to justice by;

1) Providing affordable, accessible, sustainable, credible and accountable legal aid services to indigent persons in Kenya in accordance with the Constitution;

2) Providing a legal aid scheme to assist indigent persons to access legal aid;

3) Promoting legal awareness;

4) Supporting community legal services by funding justice advisory centres, education, and research; and;

5) Promoting alternative dispute resolution methods that enhance access to justice in accordance with the Constitution.

Vision Statement

Our vision is to transform lives through the empowerment of individuals, families and communities by providing accessible and high-quality legal aid services.

Mission Statement

Promotion, provision and coordination of quality, affordable, credible, sustainable, accessible and accountable legal aid services to the indigent, marginalized and vulnerable members of the society.


“Haki na usawa kwa wote” translated to English as “Equal rights for all”